Mo Hwaran tahab leida Jaehyuni lapsed ning lubab teatavat tasu tädile kui tal lubatakse mehe lugu kasutada. Mi Nyeo hakkab Taekyungi ametlikuks fänniks ja peab mõnele Taekyungi küsimusele vastama. Kui Taekyung küsib kui palju poiss talle meeldib, vastab tüdruk et 100st 100.
Mija viib Mi Nyeo Mo Hwaraniga kohtuma ning naine saab aru et tegemist pole poisiga kuid ei ütle mitte midagi.

Youie näeb Shinwoo autos kingitust ja lilli ning kingituseks olnud kingad käsib ta Mi Nyeol jalga panna. See ei meeldi Shinwoole.

Shinwoo, Mi Nyeo, Jeremy, Kodi ja Hoon Yi lähevad Busani Shinwoo vanematele tõtt rääkima kuid Hoon Yi laseb Shinwool ja Mi Nyeol kahekesi minna. See uudis ei meeldi Taekyungile kes kardab et pärast seda sõitu ei meeldi ta enam 100 % Mi Nyeole ja kiirustab tüdrukule ütlema et ka tema meeldib talle.

Manager: Please focus on your fan club instead of your love life. Fans are people who will marry someone else after being crazy about you
Mija: Mo Hwaran made Mi Nam's mother die
Mija: You say my brother had an affair with you?
Mo Hwaran: They weren’t married so you can’t call it an affair

Mi Nyeo: "Lets see how well you know Taekyung Hwang" I have 6, 7 out of 10
Taekyung: 7? Only 7? She is not very interested in me. I was expecting at least 9.
Taekyung: If someone shakes me even a little, I will fall down

Mo Hwaran: He is not a boy. Even with my age, it shouldn’t be so easy to touch me. If it’s not a boy, it must be his sister
Youie: You want me to help you?
Taekyung: I have a knife in my hand.
Shinwoo: It’s going to be a little salty, I put a lot of salt.
Jeremy: You too? I put sugar.
Taekyung: I did too.

Mo Hwaran: He wouldn’t even talk to her if he knew she was Jaehyun's child

Taekyung: Really? Then how are you going to get out of this?
Youie: I’ll act like I didn’t know anything
Taekyung: I’m going to act like you did know everything
10/8 (YOUIE get a life ja Shinwoost on nii kahju kuid kuidas kurat Mi Nyeo ei saa aru et jutt on temast, kui kõik teised seda teavad???)
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