Miley on lohutamatu kuid Dolly püüab lohutada. Ta kutsub Miley oma saatesse esinema. Siis aga teatab Dolly et Robby Ray esineb tema kontserdil aga Robby Ray keeldub ja ei taha kuulda mitte ühtegi sõna esinemisest. Jackson aga naudib et Rico on masenduses ning teeb tema üle nalja, kuid suudab sõpra lohutada.
Lilly tahab et Miley läheks välja, sest ta püüab sõbrannale selgeks teha, et too ei saa tuppa igaveseks jääda, kuid siis Miley mõtleb, kus ta elab terve elu seal toas koos saja kassiga ning kõik on segamini ja haiseb. Siis aga suudab Lilly Miley saada teleka ette et vaadata Dolly saadet. Lilly kutsub ka Jacksoni ja Robby Ray aga alla tuleb ainult Jackson. Selgub, et Robby Ray võttis ennast kokku ja esineb Dolly saates, kuigi tema viimasest esinemisest telekas on möödas üle 10 aasta. Lilly, Miley ja Jackson elavad isale kodus kaasa.

Robby Ray: Don't you even think touch my bbbb blueberry pancakes or I kick your bbbb butt
Jackson: When you got rid of Hannah, did she take all your make up with her?
Jackson: It's all gone, but I can bring it up for you
Lilly: How can you even have a girlfriend?

Miley: You forgot the code, didn't you?
Lilly: I'm sure you did write it somewhere?
Robby Ray: Thank you very much Lilly, of course I did.
Miley: You forgot where you wrote that down?
Robby Ray: Oh my lord
Miley: It hasn't, has it?
Dolly: It's been 40 years, you have time

Jackson: And you discovered it now? I think Lola did some serious damage up there!
Man: You're on with Miley Stewart, the dream killer
Dolly: Your daddy is gonna be there
Robby Ray: Heck yeah
Dolly: And he get up and sing with you
Robby Ray: Heck no
Dolly: Did you just heck no me?
Robby Ray: Heck yeah
Miley: Lets go that place where everybody hates me or the other place where everybody hates me. Oh no, we go place where is really good nachos, where EVERYBODY HATES ME!!
"Kiss it goodbye", "Feels like the right time"
10/8 (Head lood aga nagu tavaliselt siis öeldakse: tee minu sõnade mitte mu tegude järgi.)
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