Tabitha ja Brenda juhivad koos koolimuusikali ning Brenda teeb Tabithale selgeks, et too on Annie vastu liiga karm ja seetõttu ei suuda Annie piisavalt keskenduda oma esinemisele. Samas räägib Brenda ka Kellyga tema tunnetest Dylani vastu, mees, kes on Sammy isa, ning tunnetest Ryani vastu. Dixon saab kooli kohvikus tööd ning ei pea enam pere raha asjadega enda pead vaevama, sest tundub et neil on probleeme Kansases oleva maja müümisega.
Naomi palub Ethani abi, et uurida oma isa uue naise Gaili kohta. Naomi saab shoki kui kuuleb, et too naine kolib Clarki pere rannamajja. Annie lükkab tagasi Ty pakkumise minna Ethaniga kohtingule, sest ei taha pettuda, et poiss ei tule kohale, kuna Ethan ja Naomi tunduvad jälle koos olema ning Annie peab välja tulema Ethani-Naomi suhtest ja otsustama , et kas olla Ethaniga või on tal tundeid ka Ty vastu. Slver aga otsustab Naomile andeks anda.
Tabitha Wilson: I have to remember some of those breathing exercises I used to do. I had a director who'd say, "If you're not breathing from your ass and reaching to the skies, the back row won't hear you." I slept with him.
Naomi Clark: Hi, Mom. Where are we going for dinner tonight?
Tracy Clark: I made reservations at Craft.
Naomi Clark: Is Dad coming?
Tracy Clark: He has a meeting.
Naomi Clark: Is that code for "sleeping with his girlfriend"?
Naomi Clark: Please don't blog about my dad's affair.
Erin Silver: You thought my family problems were gossip. Why shouldn't I treat yours the same way?
Debbie Wilson: Harry, how hard can it be to find an acting coach in LA? I could throw a rock through a window and hit an actor.
Naomi Clark: My family is so fake. I mean, my sister's being Photoshopped into the Christmas card from Paris. My dad is kissing my mom while having an affair.
Dixon Wilson: I'm a black kid living with a white family. It doesn't get any more different than that.
Erin Silver: I just like being different. That's how I'm made.
Annie Wilson: You're working here?
Dixon Wilson: Yeah.
Annie Wilson: Are you trying to make me look bad with Mom and Dad?
Dixon Wilson: No, I'm trying to make me look good.
Naomi palub Ethani abi, et uurida oma isa uue naise Gaili kohta. Naomi saab shoki kui kuuleb, et too naine kolib Clarki pere rannamajja. Annie lükkab tagasi Ty pakkumise minna Ethaniga kohtingule, sest ei taha pettuda, et poiss ei tule kohale, kuna Ethan ja Naomi tunduvad jälle koos olema ning Annie peab välja tulema Ethani-Naomi suhtest ja otsustama , et kas olla Ethaniga või on tal tundeid ka Ty vastu. Slver aga otsustab Naomile andeks anda.
Tabitha Wilson: I have to remember some of those breathing exercises I used to do. I had a director who'd say, "If you're not breathing from your ass and reaching to the skies, the back row won't hear you." I slept with him.
Naomi Clark: Hi, Mom. Where are we going for dinner tonight?
Tracy Clark: I made reservations at Craft.
Naomi Clark: Is Dad coming?
Tracy Clark: He has a meeting.
Naomi Clark: Is that code for "sleeping with his girlfriend"?
Naomi Clark: Please don't blog about my dad's affair.
Erin Silver: You thought my family problems were gossip. Why shouldn't I treat yours the same way?
Debbie Wilson: Harry, how hard can it be to find an acting coach in LA? I could throw a rock through a window and hit an actor.
Naomi Clark: My family is so fake. I mean, my sister's being Photoshopped into the Christmas card from Paris. My dad is kissing my mom while having an affair.
Dixon Wilson: I'm a black kid living with a white family. It doesn't get any more different than that.
Erin Silver: I just like being different. That's how I'm made.
Annie Wilson: You're working here?
Dixon Wilson: Yeah.
Annie Wilson: Are you trying to make me look bad with Mom and Dad?
Dixon Wilson: No, I'm trying to make me look good.
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