
90210 [s1 ep3] - Lucky strike (2008)

Annie ja Dixon plaanivad oma reedeõhtut, kuid siis selgub et vanemad on plaaninud seda veetda pereõhtuna keegilit mängides Lucky Strike's. Annie ja Dixon otsivad võimalusi sellest mitte osa võtta aga siis kutsub Annie salaja Ty kohale, et saaks siis poisiga minema hiilida ja minna rokk-kontserdile, Dixon kutsub Ethani ja Navidi, et siis sealt minema minna ja Navidi juures veel ilmumata James Bondi filmi vaadata. Dixon kutsub ka Silveri ja tüdruk tunneb ennast hästi olles koos normaalse perega.

Ty lahkub varem, kuna näeb, et Annie veedab Ethaniga lõbusalt aega. Harry aga peab leppima oma minevikuga, kuigi teda endiselt häirib fakt, et tal on laps kuskil, kes sündis keskkooli afäärist Traceyga. Naomi saab aga isal, Charles Clark, on afäär mingi naisega, kelle nimi on Gail. Nagu see ei oleks piisavaks shokiks, siis saab Naomi teada, et tema ema Tracy teab sellest juba 2 aastat ning ei ole midagi selle peatamiseks teinud. Naomi läheb Ethani juurde. Dixon aga märkab, et Silver on autos magama jäänud. Silver räägib Dixonile oma emast ja tema alkoholiprobleemist.

Sellest kuuleb ka Kelly ning selle tulemusena Silver visatakse kodust välja ja tüdruk kolib Kelly juurde elama.

Dixon: Ooh, pancakes!
Annie: Throw me one.
Debbie: We do not throw food.

Debbie: Oh, I can pick you up tonight.
Annie: No, Silver's gonna give me a ride. I won't be home for dinner.
Dixon: Me too, peace.
Harry: Me, three. I've got a meeting with the teacher's union.

Dixon: Family night?
Annie: You want us to go bowling?
Harry: Yeah.
Debbie: Your dad and I would like to spend some time with you guys. I feel like we don't see each other anymore.
Annie: And we really, really want to hang out with you guys.
Dixon: Especially on a Friday night.
Annie: But... I have a date with Ty tomorrow night.
Dixon: And Navid's dad is showing the new Bond movie. Come on.
Debbie: Well, your dad and I have tickets to the Hollywood Bowl, but we're not going.
Harry: No, we're not.
Debbie Wilson: Because we want to spend time with you guys.

Silver: I think he has a crush on you.
Kelly: Oh, God, no. No, no, no, no. We're colleagues. I would never go out...
Silver: Good. This school's hard enough as it is without my sister banging the teacher.

Annie: Hey, where were you today? I was looking for you at school.
Silver: Fell asleep behind the biology lab.

Dixon: So, Ms. Silver, do you know how to bowl or you know, are you too cool for that kind of thing?
Silver: I'm gonna kick your ass.

Silver: Dixon, I didn't tell you so you would tell your dad. I'm already enough of a freak at school. I don't want all the other kids to know my mom's a drunk, too.

Naomi: I went to Dad's office last night and I saw him kissing another woman. He was all over her. I'm so sorry, Mom.
Tracy: Her name is Gail. I know all about her.
Naomi: He's been seeing her for two years?
Tracy: Honey, she doesn't live in town, so they don't see each other very often.
Naomi: What's going on? Are you ending it? Are you getting a divorce?
Tracy: No, I don't want to break up this family.
Naomi: Mom, this isn't a family!
Tracy: Honey, Dad and I have a long history together, okay? We have two kids, two homes, friends. We have a life together.
Naomi: Mom, what kind of life is this?
Tarcy: Oh, sweetheart... it's one that I don't want to lose.

Navid: Dude, it's simple. Just tell your parents that you don't want to go.
Dixon: Look, I'm not trying to hurt their feelings, man. Just come to the bowling alley, tell them the thing about the movie. There's no way they won't let me go.
Navid: You sure it'll work?
Dixon: You know what? Bring a lot of people. It'll be harder for them to say no.
Navid: Peer pressure. Got it.

Kelly: If I don't see you, I don't know you're late. If I don't know you're late, I don't have to give you a late slip.

10/8 (Tegelased on endiselt lahedad, kuigi nii mõnigi ajab närvi. Navid on armas.)

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