Sellest kuuleb ka Kelly ning selle tulemusena Silver visatakse kodust välja ja tüdruk kolib Kelly juurde elama.

Dixon: Ooh, pancakes!
Annie: Throw me one.
Debbie: We do not throw food.
Debbie: Oh, I can pick you up tonight.
Annie: No, Silver's gonna give me a ride. I won't be home for dinner.
Dixon: Me too, peace.
Harry: Me, three. I've got a meeting with the teacher's union.
Dixon: Family night?
Annie: You want us to go bowling?
Harry: Yeah.
Debbie: Your dad and I would like to spend some time with you guys. I feel like we don't see each other anymore.
Annie: And we really, really want to hang out with you guys.

Annie: But... I have a date with Ty tomorrow night.
Dixon: And Navid's dad is showing the new Bond movie. Come on.
Debbie: Well, your dad and I have tickets to the Hollywood Bowl, but we're not going.
Harry: No, we're not.
Debbie Wilson: Because we want to spend time with you guys.
Silver: I think he has a crush on you.
Kelly: Oh, God, no. No, no, no, no. We're colleagues. I would never go out...
Silver: Good. This school's hard enough as it is without my sister banging the teacher.
Annie: Hey, where were you today? I was looking for you at school.
Silver: Fell asleep behind the biology lab.

Dixon: So, Ms. Silver, do you know how to bowl or you know, are you too cool for that kind of thing?
Silver: I'm gonna kick your ass.
Silver: Dixon, I didn't tell you so you would tell your dad. I'm already enough of a freak at school. I don't want all the other kids to know my mom's a drunk, too.
Naomi: I went to Dad's office last night and I saw him kissing another woman. He was all over her. I'm so sorry, Mom.
Tracy: Her name is Gail. I know all about her.
Naomi: He's been seeing her for two years?
Tracy: Honey, she doesn't live in town, so they don't see each other very often.
Naomi: What's going on? Are you ending it? Are you getting a divorce?
Tracy: No, I don't want to break up this family.
Naomi: Mom, this isn't a family!
Tracy: Honey, Dad and I have a long history together, okay? We have two kids, two homes, friends. We have a life together.
Naomi: Mom, what kind of life is this?
Tarcy: Oh, sweetheart... it's one that I don't want to lose.
Navid: Dude, it's simple. Just tell your parents that you don't want to go.

Navid: You sure it'll work?
Dixon: You know what? Bring a lot of people. It'll be harder for them to say no.
Navid: Peer pressure. Got it.
Kelly: If I don't see you, I don't know you're late. If I don't know you're late, I don't have to give you a late slip.
10/8 (Tegelased on endiselt lahedad, kuigi nii mõnigi ajab närvi. Navid on armas.)
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