
90210 [s1 ep2] - The jet set (2008)

West Beverly kooli koridorid on prügi täis ning Dixon tahab tõestada, et pole mingi koolidirektori poeg ning läheb koos Ethani ja Navidiga teisele koolile kättemaksma. Harry aga saab teada, et need olid Dixon, Ethan ja Navid ning karistab neid.

Annie aga kohtub kauni ja rikka poisi Ty'ga ning nad hakkavad kohe teineteisele meeldima. Ty osaleb ka koolimuusikalis ja on ükspeategelane. Ty püüab Anniele muljet avaldada ja viib tüdruku eralennukiga San Fransiscosse õhtusöögile. Õhtusöök aga toimub jahil aga kui Annie suurepäraselt kohtingult tagasi jõuab, siis Debbie karitab tütart sellega et paneb ta koduaresti, sest tütar ei teavitanud ema oma lahkumisest ja kus ta on.

Samal ajal aga Silver, es on endiselt Naomi peale vihane, blogib oma blogis Ethani suhtest teise tüdrukuga ja põhjustab sellega Naomi populaarsuse kao. Naomi on poisi peale vihane ja lööb Ethanit kõigi ees, et poiss teda niimoodi alandas. Naomi tahab Ethanile tagasi teha ja hakkab suhtlema Georgega. Andriana osaleb ema survel filmi proovis. Ryan kutsub Kelly välja, kuid ssiis saab teada, et Kellyl on 4-aastane poeg Sammy. Kelly vana sõber Brenda Walsh aga tuleb Sammyt hoidma ja Kelly saab mehega välja minna.

Harry ja Debbie arutavad Harry ja Tracy minevikku ja võimalikku poja olemasolust, Tabithaga juhtub autoõnnetus.

Tabitha: Well, my damn computer froze up again.
Harry: What'd you spill on it this time, Mom?
Tabitha: Scotch. I mean, iced tea.

Tabitha: I need to finish my memoirs before my friend Virginia does. We've slept with all the same people.

Ryan: Adrianna, what's up with you? Are you okay?
Adrianna: Yeah, I'm just distracted. I have this really big audition for this movie this week and I just haven't been able to sleep.
Ryan: And if you don't get it, what then?
Adrianna: Well, then I'd be in a movie, make lots of money.
Ryan: So what, you can buy a new cell phone or maybe a fancy pair of shoes? Maybe an expensive car you don't really need?
Adrianna: No, so I can pay the mortgage 'cause my mom can't.

Silver: Okay, what was that?
Annie: What?
Silver: What? Ty Collins just practically put his tongue in your mouth. That's what.
Annie: Shut up!
Silver: Okay, you are obviously too messed up to see what's right in front of you, so let me be your eyes. Ty Collins is into you? You should be into Ty Collins or so to speak.
Annie: Okay, can you just give me one second because my old relationship ended 6 hours ago.
Silver: Okay, the cure for a breakup is a hookup.

Annie Wilson: He has a jet, Silver, a jet. Okay? It's the coolest thing ever. It's like "Pretty Woman", but I'm not a whore.

Annie: Hey, cool tattoo. What does it mean?
Silver: It's the Chinese symbol for friendship 'cause you know, friends are cool.
Annie: Naomi has the same one.
Silver: Yeah. All right, in 8th grade, my dad had an affair with my mom's best friend. I was... God, I was so angry you know, so unbelievably scared she'd find out, you know and she'd get a divorce or start drinking again. So, I... I didn't tell anybody, I kept it a secret, but then it started eating away at me, and I just... I had to tell someone. So I told my friend, Naomi. She promised me that she wouldn't tell anyone, so she told everyone.
Annie: Why would she do that?
Silver: Because she needs to know more than anyone else. Because it gives her power to tear people down. 

Harry: And this thing with Tracy, I wish I knew what to do, but I don't. And am I curious to know the kid's okay? Absolutely. But being an adoptive father, would I want Dixon's birth parents around us? No way.
Debbie: Well, look, Dixon is a teenager. This is a man. But, before you do anything about that, I think you really need to figure out how you want to handle things with Tracy.
Harry: I don't know and I am the first to admit I was not the greatest guy back then.
Debbie: Honestly, I'm more concerned about the guy you are now. So just take your time and figure out how you want to handle this.

Naomi: Are you breaking up with me?
Ethan: I'm breaking up with us.

10/8 (Draamat selles sarjas jätkub, Ty on suht ilus kutt aga üldises mõttes ta mulle tegelasena ei meeldi. )

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