Oma esimesel koolipäeval West Beverly's kohtuvad Annie ja Dixon Ethan Wardiga, kes on koolis üsna populaarne ja andekas ja Annie kunagine armastus/kiindumus, kui tüdruk poissi mõni suvi tagasi kohtas Kansases. Nüüd on Ethan koos Naomi Clarkiga, rikas ja ärahellitatud tüdruk, kes on pühendunud oma suureks 16-daks sünnipäevaks ja armastab shoppamist. Ethan aga petab Naomit aga tüdrukul pole sellest aimugi. Dixon saab endale sõbraks Navid Shirazi, poiss kes juhib kooliuudiseid Blaze News. Dixon proovib saada kooli mängumeeskonda kuid asjad lähevad käest ning ta satub kaklusesse teise mängija George'ga. Dixon vihane, sest visati välja aga siis saab poiss teada, et Ethanil on teise tüdrukuga suhe ja ta petab Naomi.

Naomi ei suuda oma inglise keele kodutööd ära teha õigeks ajaks ning Inglise keele õpetaja Ryan Matthews ja koolinõustaja Kelly Taylor, kes on Silveri õde, lähevad probleemiga direktor Harry juurde, kes üsna pea mõistab, et üha raskem on hoida saladust mis ühendab Naomi ema Tracy Clarki ja Harry't, sest mees saab teada, et tal on Tracyga kuskil poeg.

Annie: Oh, please. You had, like a million friends.
Dixon: There, back home, and they all knew, you know? About the whole adoption story? Just don't want to have to tell my story over and over and over again.
Annie: Then don't. All they need to know is that you're my brother. That's my story.
Annie: Aren't you a little freaked out starting over at a new school? And, like a week late?
Dixon: What are you worried about? You already got, like a boyfriend out here.
Annie: Dad, I still can't believe you grew up in a house like this.
Dixon: I can't believe you ever left.

Debbie: Dixon, how about a new phrase like "this bites" or "this blows"? because you've been saying "this sucks" for the last 1,500 miles.
Dixon: 'Cause it sucks.
Harry: Your mother and I have given up a lot for this move, too.
Annie: Really? Have you given up your boyfriend and the lead in the school play?
Harry: As a matter of fact, I have. He's heartbroken about it and so am I.
Annie: You're such a dork.
Tabitha: You wanna help? Go yell at the gardener for parking his crap wagon in my driveway.
Debbie: Actually, that's our crap wagon, Tabitha.
Tabitha: Well, then park it around the corner so the neighbors won't notice.

Annie: Silver?
Silver: Well, you can call me Erin, but I'm not gonna respond. So look, I wasn't plannig on making you feel welcome here, but then I saw the sticker and I thought, "Hey, maybe the principal's daughter isn't such a big loser after all."
Harry: Look, I'm gonna talk to your coach tomorrow. We'll get this all worked out.
Debbie: And make sure he's not too rough on our baby.
Annie: Yeah, 'cause he is such a delicate flower.
Adrianna: I love that dress.
Naomi: Oh, you know me, Adrianna. Early birthday present from myself.

Erin: Yeah, well, that's what blogs are supposed to do. Cause problems. You know, you can't make me stop. It's not like it's a school activity or...
Kelly: Okay, I'm not talking to you as the guidance counselor right now. I am talking to you as your sister.
Erin: Okay, then as my sister, you know what Naomi did and why I hate her.
Kelly: Yes, but this didn't hurt Naomi. It hurt Annie. Come on, you've got to let go of that anger. It's not doing you any good. You don't want to end up like Mom.

Annie: I didn't tell him anything. He recognized the paper. Mr. Matthews could tell, too. I gave you my old term paper so you could take notes off it and get ideas on how to write your own paper, not to copy the entire thing word for word. My dad confronted me with both papers in his hands. What was I supposed to do?
Naomi: Lie. Cry. Threaten him. Make something up. Be creative.
Annie: You sound like a spoiled brat.
Naomi: Well, you sound like a little bitch! And just so we're simply clear, you are completely disinvited to my birthday party!

Nat Bussichio: Uh! I'm never gonna learn to work this machine. Whatever happened to regular coffee? Willie!
10/8 (Siin hakkab draamat igast august lendama.... Aga samas põnev.)
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