Samal ajal valetas Jia Di vend emale, et raha saada ning läks sinna kauplusesse laristama. Xiao Nan näeb Huo Yani ning tahab poisile paar paremat sõna töökoha kohta öelda, kuid Jia Di katkestab ta. Hiljem minnes Huo Da'd otsima näeb õde venda ning kuna poiss jookseb eest siis läheb tüdruk talle järgi. Tulemuseks on see, et vend jookseb Huo Da'le otsa ning poiss kukub ratastoolist välja ja kaotab telefoni. Jia Di aitab poisi koju.

hiljem viib Bo Zi Huo Da haiglasse ning seal kuuleb poiss, et Jia Di onu lahkus haiglast ega ole arvet maksnud, tüdrukul pole aga nii palju raha ning ema ei anna ka. Tagasi haiglasse minnes selgub, et keegi on arve tasunud. Jia Di kohtub haigla ees Huo Yaniga ning arvab et poiss tegi seda, kuid hiljem tunnistab too, et tema polnud too isik. Nüüd ei tea tüdruk mida teha ja kes see olla võis. Tegelikult maksis arve kinni Huo Da. Poiss läheb arsti juurde ja temal teemaldatakse vasaku jala kips, kuid parem pole veel korras, sest poiss pole seda ilusti hoidnud, kui tegelikult on süüdi Jia Di, kes poisi paremale jalale hoope andis ja sisse sõitis. Samas sai Huo Yan oma kipsidest lahti. Kodus nõuavad ühed mehed oma võlga sisse ning lõhuvad Jia Di ema müügikorvi.

Yan Shu: Does your girlfriend take care of you?
Huo Da: No
Yan Shu: You...have a girlfriend?
Huo Da: I said no
Yan Shu: You have to tell me when you get a girlfriend.
Huo Da: Why should I tell you
Yan Shu: Because I can’t imagine the kind of girl who has the courage to stand by your side.
Jia Di: Jiang Xiang Nan, can your mouth be anymore bigger?
Jia Di: If you don’t get any better, how can I get away from you?
Huo Da: If you knew the guy who knocked me over into the street, then you did it on purpose.
Jia Di: Why can’t it be coincidence, an unexpected event or an accident?
Huo Da: As if there can be so many coincidences, unexpected events, and eccidents in the world.
Jia Di: There is, as long as your devil heart stop thinking that the world owes you something.
Jia Di: What? Why did you lose it? When did you lose it? Where did you lose it?
Huo Da: I went so many places today. How am I supposed to know why, when and where I lost it?
Jia Di: Think harder

Jia Di: I won’t return your cellphone even if I found it
Bo Zi: Be more careful with my phone, will you?
Jia Di: Are you garbage machine?
Jia Di: I can’t twist hard enough. Will it kill you to lend me your arm?
Huo Da: Looking at it kills my appetite
Jia Di: What are you talking about? Did you break your leg or a nerve in your body?

Yan Shu: Her?
Huo Da: His kidding, he likes to praise himself like that
Bo Zi: My advide is, if you're almost done working, it'd be best to escape when you can.
Jia Di: Who wouldn't run away after hearing the three words, Tong Jia Di?
Mom: Who would go through 800 dreadful lives and reconize that worthless loser?
10/8 (Huo Da on niii lahe.. ja nii ülbe... kas sellised inimesi tõesti eksisteerib ? Kuidas on see võimalik, et tüdruk visatakse lihtsalt, aknast alla, sest teine tuleb kohe tuppa? )
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