Toimub lõpetamine, kus Seong Jo ja Ha Ni loevad kõne. Kõigile meelehärmiks on aga see, kuhu ülikooli poiss suundub. Seda mainib ka direktor oma avakõnes. Ka Bong Joon Gule jääb see ette. Lavalt alla tulles aga komistab Ha Ni trepil ja kukub Seung Jole selga. Õues tahab Hong Jang Mi, Seung Jo klassiõde, teha temaga pilti kui poiss kõnnib minema. Poiss ema lükkab aga Ha Ni poisi juurde. Seung Jo võtabki Ha Ni'l ümbert kinni ja see ei meeldi Jang Mile. Sel ajal kui ema pilti teeb, teatab Seung Jo Ha Nile, et sellest poe intsdendist ning just kui klõps käib tõmbab Ha Ni shokist eemale.

On esimene päev ülikoolis, kus Min Ah on ennast muutnud ja ei kanna prille. Seung Jol on lokid. Ha Ni oleks äärepealt auto alla jäänud ja kohtub kauni tüdrukuga, kes hiljem kutsub Seung Jo kohvikusse, kuid poiss keeldub.

Eun Jo: When everyone's asleep she comes out and starts to walk around. In the middle of night I was startled because I thought she was a ghost
Ha Ni: Out of all those other convenience stores, why did he have to come to this one?

Joo Ri: I thought I was about to drop my liver
Joo Ri: Don't go up there and fall over. Crashing all over the place
Bong Joon Gu: I hear you got into Parang university. What kind of intentions do you have?
Seung Jo: Intentions?
Bong Joon Gu: Yeah, there are hundreds of universities. But I hear you've got the skills to get into TaeSan university, even if you took the exams with your eyes closed. So why the hell are you going to Parang university?
Seung Jo: So I could see you react like this.

Seung Jo: It's thanks to a grandmother whose face I've never even seen. She said that I just need to have fun and others need to be happy.

Ha Ni: Yes
Seung Jo: Are you saying that you want me to take a picture with you now?
Ha Ni: No
Mr.Song: Do you know how sad it feels to have a student flying sky high get crumpled up in Parang university?
Ha Ni: Thick? Can you say that between people who kissed?

Joo Ri: You liked reading animation books so much.. it looks like you jumped right out of one of them
Joo Ri: Should I retake the SAT's?
Min Ah: You threw away all your books!
10/8 (Mulle nii meeldib Seung Jo ja see kuidas ta üritab näidata et ei huvitu Ha Ni'st kuid samas läheb samasse ülikooli ja see kuidas ta teadis, et tüdruk käis tööl kuid ei öeldnud midagi, vaid ootas, et saaks tüdrukule öelda seda siis kui too seda kõige vähem oodata oskas.)
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