Sam lendab New Yorki kasutades oma uut vormi mille Wakandalased talle andsid ning tal on abiks Bucky ja Sharon, et peatada Flag Smasherid kuid need saavad ikka sisse ja Sam satub kokku Georgesiga ning võitleb temaga ning mõistab et gängi idee ongi saada konsul majast välja kuid selleks ajaks on liiga hilja ja Bucky ega Sharon saa peatada nende lahkumist majast.
Sam püüab aidata helikopterit, mida juhi üks Flag Smasheri liige et võtta kotperis olnud pantvangi, kuid Sam haarab mehe sõidu pealt kopterist ja kopteris olev üks naine oskab kotperit juhtida ja maandab selle edukalt. Samal ajal hoiab Karli Buckyt kinni et too ei saaks autosid kinni hoida ja päästa kuid Bucky leiab nad ikka üles.
karli paneb aga ühe autost põlema, et Bucky tähelepanu hajutada ning too läheb autost neid päästa kuid siis saabub Josh ning tahab Karli tappa selle eest et too ta partneri tappis, lõpuks saab Bucky auto ukse lahti ja rahva välja, kuid kukub alla. Karli sõidab teise autoga metallvõre äärde et see on alla kukkumas, kuid siis saabub Sam ja pääastab auto kukkumisest ja rahvas juubeldab. Siis aga saabub Georges ja suitsugranaadiga aitab ta Flag Smashersitel põgeneda.
Sharon kutsub Karli enda juurde ja nõuab aru miks too hakkas oma pead tegelema, selgub et just Sharon oli see kes palkas Karli ja Flag Smasherid ja et tegelikult on Sharon Power Broker. Georges saabub ka ja püüab Sharonilt rohkem raha saada aga Sharon laseb ta maha. Sam saabub ning püüab Karliga rääkida kuid too keeldub ja püüab võidelda aga Sharon tulistab teda. Karli vabandab Sami ees enne kui sureb.
Kuid tänu Bucky ja Joshi tööle suudavad nad trikitada ülejäänud Flag Smasherid nende enda lõksu ning politsei on nad ära viimas kui Zemo, kes on uuesti kinni, abiline Oeznik nad tapab. Samal ajal annab Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine Joshile uue kostüümi ja annab talle tiitli U.S Agent, ülesanneteks mida ei saa Kapten Ameerika teha. Sam viib Isaiahi ja tema lapselapse Eli Kapten Ameerika väljanäitust vaatama kus on ka eraldi väljapanek Isaiahi jaoks.
Bucky võtab end kokku ja läheb Yori ukse taha ja teatab talle, et tema poja tappis Winter Soldier, kes on Bucky ning palub vabandust et tal polnud tol ajal valikut. Ja sellega on kõik nimed läbi käidud ja ta annab sellest teada ka oma terapistile ning läheb Sami juurde cookouti tähistama.
Sharon saab oma nime puhtaks ning saab vabaks ning talle pakutakse uuesti tööd CIA's ning Sharon võtab selle vastu ning majast lahkudes teatab ta kellelegi et Power Brokeril on täisõigus valitsuse saladustele.
10/10 (kogu see trenn is paying off Sam :D kapten amerika saab lõpuks bucky ja samiga koostööd teha, kuivõrd see siiski koostöö oli sest Josh tuli ju Lemari eest kätte maksma.. :D:D oh see lõpp.. samas well see jätab mulje et me saame ka teise hooaja sest miks nad tegid johnist US agendi kui midagi ei juhtu? ja mis sharonist edasi saab? i need anwers :D aga bucky lõpus nii palju naeratamas ja noh leidis endale nö uue perekonna, shieldi ja Steve asemel.. damn.. i love him :D aga ma ei jõua ära oodata siis seda uut Kapten Ameerika filmi ju mis peaks tulema 3 aasta pärast..well...damn.. Oh ja see kui mitterõõmus Bucky oli Sharonit nähes tekib mul küsimus kas ta aimab et Sharon ei ole heade hulgas? or what?)
Ayla: Sam, thank you so much, from all of us.
Government Official: Sincerely. You did your part in dealing with those terrorists. Now we'll do ours.
Sam: Are you still going forward with resetting the borders?
Prime Minister Lacont: Our peacekeeping troops will begin relocating people soon. The terrorists only set us back a bit.
Sam: You have to stop calling them terrorists.
Government Official: What else would we call them?Sam: I'm a Black man carrying the stars and stripes. What don't I understand? Every time I pick this up, I know there are millions of people out there who are gonna hate me for it.
Bucky: Sorry, I was, uh, I was texting and so, all I heard was, um, 'a Black guy in stars and stripes'. Nice job Cap
John: "Mercy bears richer fruit than strict justice."
Bucky: It's a great app. Thank you. Lincoln? Really?
John: Great man. Great quote.
Bucky: Not when you say it.John: Morgenthau! Let's finish this!
Karli: I didn't mean to kill your friend. I don't want to hurt people that don't matter.
John: ...You don't think Lemar's life mattered?
Karli: Not in my fight, I just wanted those people in the trunk
Power Broker: You know, when you came to Madripoor, you reminded me of a young me. I took you in, gave you an opportunity, and you betrayed me.
Karli: Because you wanted to control a world that hurt you. But I wanted to change it. I'm not interested in power or an empire. I have bigger dreams.
Power Broker: What, like this? Come back and work for me again. All of you. We can make a difference together.
Karli: You just want me because you need your muscle back. Without us Super Soldiers, how much power does the Power Broker really have?
Sharon: More than youValentina Allegra de Fontaine: Things are about to get weird. So when they do, we're not gonna need a Captain America. We're gonna need a U.S. Agent. Keep your phone on.
Power Broker: Start lining up our buyers. Super Soldiers might be off the menu, but we're about to have full access to government secrets, prototype weapons, you name it. Should be something for everyone.
Sharon: Drop the gun Karli
Karli: I am disappointed in you
Sharon: That's what I was gonna sayBucky: Sharon, what the hell are you doing here?
Sharon: Relax, nobody is looking for me here
Sam: Do I hear Sharon?
Bucky: Unfortunately
Sharon: Hey Sam, I'd thought to get the band back together
Sam: Thanks Sharon, you're risking alot coming here
Sharon: I hear pardons aren't all they're cracked up to be anyway.
Bucky: Depends on the therapist.
Man: I am sorry, who are you?
Sam: I am Captain America
Man: I thought Captain America was on moonGeorges: You costs me a lot lot money, I wonder how much I get from your new bird costume
Sam: Maybe bagguette? And few french fries?
Georges: The robes don't make the monk.
Karli: You hired Georges to spoil me
Power Broker: You know I'm always prepared
Georges: I'm done with these games. Now Power Broker you will pay me four times what you said you would or I'll tell the whole world who you are
Power Broker: I don't do blackmail
Karli: You fight on the wrong side Mister Barnes.
Bucky: I've done this before kid, I know how it ends
Karli: It doesn't matter if I don't survive this. I'm fighting for something bigger than myself
Bucky: You don't think I have fought something bigger than myself? That's all I ever tried to do and I failed twice Bucky: You thinking your cause justifies all the deaths but in the end the nightmares won't go away, you're gonna remember all the ones you killed
Sharon: You better speed things up, chopper's about to take off
Sam: Bucky?
Bucky: I don't fly man, that's your thing
Sam: We gotta get you to a hospital
Bucky: She's not gonna listen
Sharon: Hey it's not the worst thing happen to me whole week
Bucky: Told youSharon: Seriously Bucky, you had one job
Bucky: So worry about your guy
Yori: What are doing here? It's not wednesday?
Bucky: I have to tell you something.. about your son. He was murdered
Yori: What?
Bucky: By Winter Soldier and that was me
Yori: What?
Bucky: I didn't have a choice
Eli: What do you want black Falcon?
Sam: You need to learn some manners
Isaiah: He aint falcon anymore but he is black