Bucky leiab Zemo Sokoviast mälestusmärkide juurest, kus Bucky täidab oma lubaduse ja annab Zemo üle Dora Milajele, kuid palub üht teenet veel. Samal ajal vabastatakse Josh Kapten Ameerika tööst ning üldse saab karmi hinnangu osaliseks, mida oli ka arvata aga siis võtab temaga ühendust keegi Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, kes palub end kutsuda Valiks, et teab et Josh võttis seerimu ning Flag Smasheri tapmine oli õige tegu ja et kui naine helistab siis Josh võtab telefoni vastu ja lahkub. Josh külastab ka Hoskinsi pere.
Sam külastab aga uuesti Isaiahi, kes on lõpuks siiski nõus rääkima oma elust supersõdurina ja kõigist neist katsetest mis temaga tehti. Isaiah on kindel et mitte kunagi ei lasta mustal mehel saada Kapten Ameerikaks. Sam naaseb koju õe juurde ning on valmis kõigeks et vanemate paat taas töökorda saada ja palub mõned teened sisse ja ootamatult on kohal ka Bucky, kellel on Samile midagi anda, teene mida ta Wakandalt palus ning aitab ka paati korda teha. Hiljem treenivad nad natukene koos kilbi tööd ning Sam annab Buckyle nõu ja Bucky annab Samile nõu ning lubab kohale tulla kui Sam saab vihjeid Flag Smasherite kohta.Samal ajal plaanivad Flag Smasherid rünnata GRC konverentsi New Yorkis ning nendega liitub ka Georges, kes müüb neile relvi ja tahab ka ise Sami tappa ning kelle aitas vangist välja Sharon. Joaqin võtab Samiga ühendust et öelda et Flag Smasherid on otsapidi New Yorkis, Sam on valmis võitluseks ja vaatab lõpuks mis selles kohvris on mille Bucky tõi.
10/9 (bucky? sam? get lost joh!!! ma saan aru et koomiksis oli see koht kus falconist sai kapten ameerika aga mulle meeldib ja noh natukene naljakas ka, kui hästi see falkconi olemine kapten ameerikaks praegu otse teemasse tänapäeval läheb, you know racisim... ja noh Sebastian ja Anthony ise on ka öelnud et Marvel läks selle teemaga suht arukalt nagu et kogu see teema vastutus ja olek mustanahalisele tänapäeval, et kuidas rahvas sellesse suhtub ja on, sobib ideaalselt Marvel teeb head tööd aga see võitlus Bucky, Sam ja Joshi vastu.. damn see käsi...ullalalla kui valus aga kinda meeldis kui badass Bucky lihtsalt kõndis minema, kui shield käes ja pärast kui Sam talle ülevaate andis, ta ei lausunud kordagi sõnagi..)Sam: You know Karli won't quit
Bucky: You call me when you have a lead, and I'll be there. Not necessarily as a team.
Sam: Nope.
Bucky: We're not that good.
Sam: Definitely not.
Bucky: We're professionals.
Sam: Definitely.
Bucky: And, uh, we're partners.
Sam: Co-workers.
Bucky: But we're also a couple of guys with a mutual friend.
Sam: Friend's now gone.
Bucky: So we're a couple of guys.
Sam: I can live with that.
Bucky: Perfect.Joaquin: Sometimes there's nothing to do until there's something to do.
Sam: That's bizarrely wise.
Joaquin: Well, I'm a bizarrely wise man, Sam.
Zemo: Don't worry. I've decided I'm not going to kill you.
Bucky: Imagine my relief.
Sarah: So you really gonna let Isaiah Bradley get in your head? You gonna let him decide what you do next?
Sam: Isaiah's been to Hell and back. If I was in his shoes, I'd probably feel the exact same way. But what would be the point of all the pain and sacrifice if I wasn't willing to stand up and keep fighting?
Isaiah: They will never let a black man be Captain America. And even if they did, no self-respecting black man would ever wanna be.
Sam: The people in this town are the most welcoming people in the world. They don't care if you wear small T-shirts or if you have six toes or if your mom's your aunt.
Bucky: Okay, I get it. I mean, you know, the people are nice.
Sam: But don't flirt with my sister.
Bucky: No.
Sam: 'Cause if you do, I'll have Carlos cut you up and feed you to the fish.
Bucky: Okay
Isaiah: You think things are different? You think times are different? You think I wouldn't be dead in a day if you brought me out? You wanna believe jail was my fault because you got that white man's shield!
Sam: You gotta stop looking to other people to tell you who you are.
Karli: How many times do we have to pay with our lives just to be citizens on this goddamn planet!
Sam: Don't do that bitter, old man thing with me.
Isaiah: If you ain't bitter, you're blind.
Bucky: He didn't kill Lemar, John, don't go down that road. Believe me, it doesn't end well
John: I am not like you
Sam: You gotta give as the shield
John: Oh this is all about, you almost got me. You don't wanna do this
Bucky: Oh yeah we do
Jaquin: You got your sleeve back
Sam: Are you out to take care of Zemo?
Joaqin: Alright, good to see you survived
Zemo: They literally programmed you to kill. Do what needs to be done. There's only one way she can't complete her mission
Bucky: I appreciate your advice but we're gonna do it in our own way
Zemo: Goodbye James
Sam: Sarah, I'm coming home
Sam: Good job guys, in about 10 years we get this fixed
Sam: Don't worry I'm going to fix the boat
Sarah: Aren't you supposed to be out saving the world, why are bothering me?
Sam: I am going to fix the damn boat
Sam: How do we get it of the truck?Bucky: You're welcome
Sam: Why didn't you use the metal arm?
Bucky: Well. I don't always think of it immediately, I'm right-handed
Bucky: So this is the boat
Sam: This is it
Bucky: It's nice.. wanna any help?
Bucky: I'm Bucky
Sarah: Oh, Sarah
Bucky: Sarah..
Sam: Thanks
Bucky: Yap
Sam: Okay so..
Sarah: Excuse me?
Sam: There should be 3 16s polts that goes into that big gear?
Sarah: No nonono
Bucky: No
Sam: What do you mean no? You didn't even look
Bucky: I don't have to.. Hey Sarah
Sarah: I told you specifically the waterpump is not the problem and yet here you are
Bucky: Yep, Samuel
Sam: In my defense we were supposed to be long done before you woke up
Bucky: All the time, means I remember, means part of me is still there, means part of Winter Soldier is still in me
Sam: You're out of little tough love? You wanna climb out on that hill your in. Do the work
Sam: You go to those people and say sorry cause you think it makes you feel better, right? But you gotta make them feel better. I am sure there's at least one person in that book who need closure on something and you're the only person who can give it to him
Bucky: Probably dozen
Sam: That's cool, start with one
Bucky: Good talk

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