Bucky kohtub Ayoga, Dora Milaje juhiga Wakanadast ja Ayo on seal, et võtta kinni Zemo, kes nende kuninga tappis aga Bucky ostab neile veidi aega veendes Ayot et neil on Zemot vaja hetkel. Ayo annab Buckyle 8 tundi Zemo kasutamiseks enne kui nad talle järele tulevad. Bucky, Zemo ja Sam lähevad ühte laagrisse Lätis, kus Flag Smasherid on heas nimekirjas ning Sam ja Bucky ei saa mingit infot aga Zemol õnnestub.
Zemo saab teada kus ja millal Karli kasuema Donya Madani mälestusteenistus. Kuid siis ilmub välja John ja Hoskinks ning Zemo viib nad kus on Donya, kus Sam veenab Joshi, et läheb räägib alguses Karliga üksi, kuid Josh annab talle 10 minutit ja paneb Zemo kinni. Samil õnnestubki Karliga rääkima saada ja peaaegu enda poolele kui Josh sisse marsib ja kõik ära rikub. Zemo põgeneb ning leiab ise Karli ja tulistab teda,ning naise käes olnud seeriumid kukuvad maha ning samal ajal kui Karli põgeneb hävitab Zemo seeriumid ja siis saabub Josh, Sam ja Bucky. Josh leiab ühe alles jäänud seeriumi ja võtab selle endale.
Sam, Bucky ja Zemo naasevad oma koju kuhu marsib sisse JOsh ja nõuab meestelt aru aga siis saabuvad Dora Milaje'd ning Josh ei taha nendega tegemist teha kuid naised ei anna lihtsalt alla ja tekib võitlus, kuhu Sam ja Bucky ka lõpuks Johsile appi lähevad, samal ajal aga Zemo põgeneb. Siis aga helistab Karli Sarahle ja nõuab Samiga ühendust või muidu teeb liiga Sarahle ja ta lastele. Sam on nõus Karliga kohtuma ja Bucky läheb temaga kaasa.Samal ajal kui Sam ja Bucky räägivad Karliga siis ründavad ka Josh ja Hoskinks ja Sam ja Bucky lähevad neid otsima, mis toob kaasa veel ühe võitluse ja Sam saab aru et Josh võttis seda seeriumi. Karli liitub ka võitlusega ning kogemata tapab Hoskinsi, Josh on meeleheites ja järgneb ühele Flag Smasherisle Nicole, ning tapab ta julmalt, uskudes et too tappis Hoskinsi ja kõike seda filmb rahvas tänaval. 10/9 (zemo, kas sa ei tea siis et räägitakse et never trust a candy guy aga well lapsed kukuvad sellesse ikka :D ja mulle meeldib kuidas bucky hoiab zemol silma peal koguaeg ja saab aru kui vend tglt mingi info kuskil saab isegi kui jätab mulje et ei tea midagi.. i like it :D zemo how the fakk you do that nagu kus sa tead kus nad kõik alati on või lähevad? wtf man ja ma olen natukene confused kas john võttis seda seeriumi sest ta on natukne liiga tugev järsku? oh damn he did... Oh mis ajast on Bucky nii sassy? nagu siis kui Dora Milaje saabub ja Josh nendega võitleb, kuigi ta oli peksasaamist ära teeninud sest ta oli liiga ülbe isegi kui Sam teda hoiatas aga mulle nii meeldib kuidas Sam ütles Bucky kui Josh alla hakkas jääma naistele.. ja Bucky seepeale Looking Strong Josh vastas :D)Ayo: The Dora Milaje have jurisdiction wherever the Dora Milaje find themselves to be.
Bucky: Something's not right about Walker.
Sam: You don't say.
Bucky: Well, I know a crazy when I see one. Because I am crazy.
Sam: Can't argue with that.
Zemo: The desire to become a superhuman cannot be separated from supremacist ideals.
Zemo: The desire to become a superhuman cannot be separated from supremacist ideals. Anyone with that serum is inherently on that path. She will not stop, she will escalate until you are kill her. Or she kills you.Bucky: Maybe you're wrong, Zemo. The serum never corrupted Steve.
Zemo: Touché. But there has never been another Steve Rogers, has there?
Bucky: Wow, maybe we should give to Wakandas right now
Zemo: And you'll give up you tour guy
Bucky: YesZemo: Sam, you can't hold out hope for Karli. No matter what you saw in her, she's gone. And we cannot allow that she and her acolytes become yet another faction of gods amongst real people. Super Soldiers cannot be allowed to exist.
Sam: Isn't that how gods talk? And if this is how you feel, then what about Bucky? Blood isn't always the solution.
John: If you had the chance to take the serum, would you do it?
Hoskins: Hells, yeah.
John: You wouldn't be worried about how it might... how it might change you?
Hoskins: I mean, power just makes a person more of themselves, right? Karli Morgenthau. Steve Rogers.
John: And me?
Lemar Hoskins: You already have three Medals of Honor. You consistently make the right decisions in the heat of battle.
John: Yep. Three badges of excellence to make sure I never forget the worst day of my life. We both know that the things that we had to do in Afghanistan to be awarded those medals felt a long way from being right. Being Cap is the first time I've had the chance to do something that actually feels right.
Sam: There's nothing to litigate. You straight shot the man.
Karli: To make world better place
Sam: It's not a better place if you're killing people. It's just different.
Karli: You're either brilliant or just hopelessly optimistic.
Sam: Well, can't I be a little bit of both?
Ayo: It's time
Bucky: Are you sure about this?
Ayo: I won't let you hurt anyone. Longing, rusted, seventeen,
Bucky: It's not gonna work
Ayo: Daybreak, frunace, nine, beginning, homecoming, one, freight car. You are free, you're free
Bucky: Well Wakanda is here, they want Zemo, I bought us some time
Sam: Where you followed?
Bucky: No
Zemo: How can you be so sure?
Bucky: Cause I know when I've been followed
Zemo: Led to nazis, to the ultron, to the avengers
Sam: Those are our friends you're talking about
Bucky: Avengers not the nazis
Sam: When I was kid my Titi passed away
Bucky: Your Titi?
Sam: Yah man, my Titi
Bucky: Who is your Titi?
Sam: Fine, when I was kid my aunt passed away
Bucky: The yellow girl, what did she tell you?
Zemo: The funeral is in this afternoon
Sharon: And that surprises you?
John: Karli Morgenthau is too dangerous for you guys, you pulling the shit
Bucky: Huh, how did you find us now?
John: You can start by telling us how you broke him out of prison
Bucky: He did it by himself technically
John: You let your partner walk into room with supersoldier alone?
Bucky: He's dealt with worse and he is not my partner
John: Hey, you have 10 minutes
Zemo: Really?
John: And we do things my way
Zemo: Arrest? Well I get it
Karli: Why are you here instead of stopping them?
Sam: My sister is waiting for the exact same answer
Karli: We separate them and the we kill Captain America
John: Let's put down the pointy sticks and we can talk this troughSam: Hey John, take it easy, you might wanna fight with Bucky before you dangle with Dora Milaje,
Sam: We should do something
Bucky: Looking strong John
Sam: Bucky
Hoskins: You're alright?
John: They weren't even supersoldiers
Sarah: Is there reason to you calling me?
Karli: I trying to figure out if I need to kill your brother or not

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