
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: New world order [s1 ep1] (2021)

Möödub 6 kuud kui kõik on naasnud oma elude juurde ja Sam Wilson teeb koostööd Falconina USA õhujõudega ning päästab röövitud sõjaväelennukilt sõjaväelase. Röövijate gruppi juhib Georges Batroc. Sõjaväe gruppi juhib aga leitnant Joaquin, kes teeb koostööd Samiga ja hiljem kui sõjaväelane on päästetud, räägib Joaquin Samile ühest terrorigrupist Flag Smashers.

Pärast seda operatsiooni naaseb Sam Washingtoni ja otsustab anda Kapten Ameerika kilbi valitsusele muuseumi hoiule, kuna ei leia et oleks väärt olema uus Kapten Ameerika ja naaseb koju õe Sarah ja ta laste juurde. Ta leiab eest laguneva paadi, mis kuulus nende vanematele ega taha leppida et Sarah tahaks kogu teema maha müüa ning läheb koos õega panka laenu saama aga kuna Sam oli 5 aastat kadunud, pärast Infinity wari siis ei saa nad laenu.

Samal ajal püüab Bucky, Winter Soldier, naasta tavaellu ja peab käima teraapias mille määras talle valitsus, et aidata tal naasta tavaellu ja kontrollida et ta uuesti tapma ei hakkaks. Bucky on sõbraks saanud vanamehe Yoriga, kes veenab Bucky minema kohtingule kena ettekandja Leahiga kelle juures Bucky ja yori alati söömas käivad. Bucky lähebki Leahga välja ja jutuks tuleb Yori poeg RJ, kes tapeti täiesti alusetult valel ajal vales kohas olemise eest ja Yori tahab teada miks, aga keegi ei tea.. samas teab Bucky et tema tappis Yori poja RJ kuna too nägi pealt kuidas Winter Soldier, tol ajal, tappis oma eesmärki ja tunnistajaid ei tohi jääda. Bucky tormab Yori juurde kuid ei suuda talle öelda tõtt.

Samal ajal uurib Joaquin Flag Smasherseid ja näeb neid panka röövimas Sveitsis ja satub kokku kambaga kellel on superinimese jõud. Joaqin anna sellest teada Samile, ning samal hetkel teatab USA valitsus et nad on valinud uue Kapten Ameerika ja andnud talle Steve Rogersi kilbi ja selleks on John Walker.

Dr. Raynor: So, now that you've stopped fighting, what do you want?
Bucky: Peace.
Dr. Raynor: That is utter bullshit.
Bucky: You're a terrible shrink.
Dr. Raynor: I was excelent soldier, I saw alot dead bodies and I know how it can shut you down, and if you were alone that's the quietest and most personal hell and James, it's very hard to escape

Rhodes: The world's broken. Everyone's just looking for someone to fix it.

Joaquin: They're called the Flag Smashers.
Sam: Is that a new thing? Bad guys give themselves bad names.
Joaquin: There's a lot worse names than that one. But basically, they think that the world was better during the Blip. Trust me, it wasn't.

Bucky: This is new for me. okay? I didn't have a moment to deal with anything. I only had a little calm in Wakanda. And other than that, I just went from one fight to another for 90 years.

Sam: Trust me. Every time something gets better for one group, it gets bad for another.

Rhodes: I see you're gonna make me ask. Why didn't you take up the mantle?
Sam: When Steve first told me about the shield, the first words I said were, "It feels like it belongs to someone else." That someone else is Steve.

Sam: There is no such thing as on time. You're either early or late.

Falcon: That's what life is, dealing with things.

Falcon: Symbols are nothing without the women and men that give them meaning.

Bucky: Yori you can't fight with your neighbors

Bucky: What if I buy?
Yori: Fine but no talking

Yori: You should ask her out
Bucky: Mkmm

Bucky: I haven't dance since 1943.. feels like

Sam: How you trying to read me when you know I am the one reading you

Bucky: I tried that online dating thing.. it was pretty crazy

Leah: Wait, how old are you?
Bucky: 106

Leah: What's up with the gloves?
Bucky: I have uhmmm.. bad serculation

Bucky: What are you doing?
Leah: I'm reading your mind
Bucky: Please don't

Leah: You know we call a guy who's wife died a widower or if your parents die you're an orphan but there's no word for a someone who lost their child.. it's like the worst thing that can happen
Bucky: Yeah, will you excuse me?

Sarah: How can you have income if you don't exists?

Sam: I own the half of boat and a house, you are not selling dad's legacy
Sarah: You're going to do me like that even if you know I'm right?
Sam: Yep

Joaquin: You're about to fly into Libyas airspace
Falcon: And I assume they have a problem with that?
Joaquin: Yeah problem, a big problem

Joaquin: Where you're up to?
Sam: Washington
Joaquin: What's there?
Sam: Moon stuff

Rhodney: You should bring them here Washington, I teach them to fly, you know the right way

Dr. Raynor: So mister Barnes, do you still having nightmares? James, I asked you a question. Are you still having nightmares?
Bucky: No
Dr. Raynor: We've been doing this long enough so I can tell when you're lying

Bucky: Really?  You doing the notebook thing? Why? It's passive aggressive
Dr. Raynor: You don't talk, I'll write

Dr. Raynor: So rule number one: you can't to anything illegal. Rule number two?
Bucky: What was rule number two?
Dr. Raynor: Nobody gets hurt. It's a big one
Bucky: Then why is it rule number one? I didn't hurt anybody. I promise
Dr. Raynor: And what about rule number three? The whole point making amends is to fulfill rule number three
Bucky: You know you're sinic Doc. Of course I completed rule number three. I am no longer Winter Soldier, I am James Bucky Barnes and you are part of my efforts to make amends

Dr. Raynor: So you did everything right but it still didn't help with nightmares
Bucky: Like I said I didn't have any
Dr. Raynor: One day you're gonna wake up and understand that some people really do wanna help you and that they can be trusted
Bucky: I trust people

Dr. Raynor: Give me your phone. You don't have 10 numbers on this thing and you have been ignoring texts from Sam, you gotta nuture your friendships, I am the only person you have been called all week

Dr. Raynor: You are all alone, you are 100 years old, you have no history, no family
Bucky: Are you lashing me out Doc? Because that's really unprofessional

Dr. Raynor: You are free
Bucky: To do what?

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