
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: The Star-Spangled Man [s1 ep2] (2021)

John Walker ilmub siis nüüd Kapten Ameerikana telekasse ja rahvas on tema suur fänn. Bucky näeb seda intervijuud mida John annab ning läheb Sami juurde, et nõuda miks too andis kilbi ära, kuigi Sam ei teadnud et valitsus kasutab seda uue kangelase jaoks. Sam aga on teel jälgi ajam uue organisatsiooni Flag Smashersite koha pealt ning Bucky otsustab temaga liituda.

Sam ja Bucky lähevad Munichi ja leiavad gängi liikmed meditsiini smuugeldamas ja nad liituvad nendega ning arvavad et neil on pantvang kuid selleks tuleb välja, on Karli, kes on kogu Flag Smahersite gängi juht. Bucky ja Falcon võitlevad nendga ja siis tuleb neile appi Kapten Ameerika koos oma sõbra Lemar Hoskinsiga ja Flag Smashersitel õnnestub põgeneda. Josh teeb ettepaneku Samile ja Buckyle nendega liituda aga mehed keelduvad ning tahavad organisatsiooniga ise tegeleda.

Samal ajal saab Karli aga Power Brokerilt sõnumi. Bucky viib Sami Baltimore, kus elab Isaiah, endine supersõdur, kes võitles Bucky vastu Korea sõjas. Isaiah keeldub neid aitamast ning andmast mingit infot superseeriumi kohta ning kui nad lahkuvad, võtab politsei nad rajalt maha, alguses rohkem Sami pärast aga siis saavad nad teada, et vaja on kinni võtta Bucky kuna too ei käinud oma kohustuslikul teraapiasessioonil.

Sam ja Dr.Raynor saavad kokku ja samal ajal lastakse Bucky välja ja selgub et selle taga on Josh ning Sam ja Bucky peavad koos minema Dr.Raynori sessioonile, kus Bucky küsib Samilt miks too kilbi ära andis. Kui nad lahkuvad, tahab josh endiselt nendega koostööd teha aga Sam ja Bucky keelduvad endiselt ja Bucky teatab et on üks inimene kes teab infot mida neil on vaja Flag Smasherite kohta ning selleks on Helmut Zemo, kes on Berliinis vangis.

10/9 (Nagu see uus kapten ameerika on tehtud nii et sa lausa pead vihkama teda, nagu for real :D ime ka siis et vend fännidelt niipalju hate saab kui ta nii ülbeks idioodiks tehtud on, mis ilmselt ka koomiksis on, kuigi ma ei tea sellest midagi :D ja see politsei poolt arreteerimine oli ka huvitav, et läksid ühele järgni nö või noh nad vist nägid lihtsalt, aga võtsid lõpuks rajalt maha teise... kuigi ma ei taha midagi halvasti öelda aga ma olin natukene üllatunud et nad tahtsid Sami rajalt maha võtta kuna see on siiski mustade piirkond aga ma just mõistsin et politseinikud olid valged ja nad arvasid et kuna mustade piirkond siis valge (ehk Bucky) on hädas kuna Sam on mustanahaline... okey. Teine asi mis mind mõtlema pani, et muidugi seeriumid on erinevad eksole, sest kuidas muiud Bucky ja Steve on/olid 70 a hiljem ikka sama noored  ehk nad ei vanane aga Isaiah vananes ju, kuigi temaga tehti ka katseid 30 aastat ja ta oli supersoldier siis tema vananes ikkagi nagu tavainimene, arvestades et Bucky võitled temaga '51 ehk 60 a tagasi...eksole..)

Sam: I have a feeling they might be a part of the big three.
Bucky: What big three?
Sam: Androids, aliens, and wizards.
Bucky: That's not a thing.
Sam: That's definitely a thing.
Bucky: No, it's not.
Sam: Every time we fight, we fight one of the three.
Bucky: So who are you fighting now, Gandalf?
Sam: How do you know Gandalf?
Bucky: I read The Hobbit. In 1937. When it first came out.
Sam: So you see my point?
Bucky: No. I don't. There are no wizards.
Sam: Doctor Strange.
Bucky: He is a sorcerer.
Sam: A sorcerer is a wizard without a hat. Think about it, right? I'm right. I just came up with it, it's great.

Sam: Look at you. All stealthy. A little time in Wakanda and you come out White Panther.
Bucky: It's actually White Wolf.
Sam: Huh?

Sam: Enjoy your ride, Buck.
Bucky: No, you can't call me that.
Sam: Why not? That's what Steve called you.
Bucky: Steve knew me longer, and Steve had a plan.

Bucky: We met in '51.
Isaiah: If by met, you mean I whupped your ass, then, yeah.

John: And we're pretty sure it's one of the Big Three, so...
Sam: Aliens, androids, or wizards?
John: Pretty sure.
Bucky: There's no such thing as wizards.
John: All right, then it's aliens, or androids...
Sam: Or Super Soldiers.

John: Does he always just stare like that?
Sam: You get used to it

Bucky: Hello?! How are you?
Sam: Good, what'd I miss? Nothing?
Bucky: Okay, let's go
Sam: Wait
Bucky: I got a vibranium arm. I can take them.
Sam: And I can fly. Who gives a shit?

Isaiah: I took half of his metal arm but as I can see, he managed to grow it back. I just wanted to see if he got the arm back. Or if he'd come to kill me.
Bucky: I'm not a killer anymore.
Isaiah: You think you can wake up one day and decide who you wanna be? It doesn't work like that.

Bucky: Why did you give up that shield?
Sam: Why are you making such a big deal out of something that has nothing to do with you?

Bucky: Maybe he was wrong about you. And if he was wrong about you, then he was wrong about me.

John: Everybody in the world expect me to be somebody and I don't want to fail them

Bucky: Shouldn't have given up the shield
Sam: Good to see you too

Sam: What do you want me to do? Call to America and say I changed my mind?

Sam: There's incredible annoying guy in front of me with staring problem
Bucky: I come with you
Sam: No you're not

Bucky: Where's to suit?
Joaquin: We're 200 feet it's too low for suit
Bucky: I don't need it anyway
Joaquin: Your sure about that?
Bucky: Y-yeah

Sam: I have all of that on camera, you know that right?
Bucky: Get out of my face, Sam, or I'll break it
Sam: Okay, head north, come on

Bucky: I see clear path, I see we take it
Sam: We are not assassins
Bucky: I see you inside... or not
Sam: Come on man, I'm just messing with you come back

Sam: Hello, that little girl kicked ya's ass?
Bucky: Arrhhhh

Bucky: Could've used that shield
Sam: Get off of me

Bucky: I am sorry about red wing
Sam: No you're not. What's going on in that whole cyborg brain of yours?
Bucky: It's computing
Sam: Hahha, you know what, I can actually see it, I can see the gears turning, oh they're malfalcuating. Shutting down, they're all on fire

John: Alright, then we gotta work together
Bucky: That's not happening

Bucky: Just cause you carry shield, doesn't mean you're Captain America
John: Look, I've done the work
Bucky: Have you ever jumped on top of grenade
John: Yes I have, 4 times actually

John: He always stare like that?
Sam: You'll get used to that

Hoskins: I have huge respect for both of you but you kinda got your asses kicked when we showed up
Bucky: Who are you?
Hoskins: I'm Hoskins
Sam: I see a guy hanging out of helicopter with tatical gear, I need alot more than "I'm Hoskins"
Hoskins: I'm battlestar, Lemar Hoskins
Bucky: Battlestar? STOP THE CAR

Karli: I need to know your commitment cause after tomorrow there's no going back

Bucky: Let's just take the shield and do it ourselves
Sam: We can't just run upon a man and beat him up and take it. Do you remember what happened last time we stole it?
Bucky: Maybe

Kid: It's a black Falcon
Sam: No it's just Falcon, kid
Kid: My daddy told me it's black Falcon
Sam: Cause I'm black and Falcon?

Isaiah: You know what they did to me being a hero? They put my ass in jail for 30 years

Sam: Steve knew about him?
Bucky: He didn't, I didn't tell him
Sam: So you're telling me there was black supersoldier decades ago and nobody knew about it?

Police: Can I get your ID?
Sam: I don't have ID, why?
Bucky: Seriously?

Policeman: I'm sorry Mr. Barnes but you are under arrest

John: Christina! Great to see you again
Sam: You gotta be kidding me, you know him?
Dr. Raynor: Yeah

Dr.Raynor: It's the only way I can get you over what ever is eating you
Sam: This is ridiculous
Bucky: I agree
Dr.Raynor: See, making progress already

Dr.Raynor: Let's face each other
Bucky: Let's stare, it's good exercise, I like it Doc

Sam: Thanks Doc for making it weird, I feel much better, I see you outside
Dr.Raynor: Thank you, that was really great

Dr.Raynor: I know that look, what's wrong?
Bucky: What was rule number two again?
Dr. Raynor: Don't hurt anyone
Bucky: Goodbye Doc

Sam: I feel better
Bucky: I feel awful
John: Gentlemen

Bucky: Things are very intense for you, aren't they Walker?
Sam: Take it easy man

Sam: We are free agents, we're more flexible so it wouldn't make sense for us to work with you
John: A word of advice then, stay the hell out of my way

Sam: So you just go sit in a room with this guy?
Bucky: Yye-yes
Sam: Okay then.. we are going to see Zemo

Bucky: I didn't tell anybody cause he was already been through enough

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