
Marvel Studios: Legends: Black Widow [s1 ep9] (2021)

Lugu räägib siis Natasha Romanoffist enne kui ta Engames surma saab. Ehk siis Natashat treeniti Red Roomis ja ta oli vene spioon, kuid hakkas siis tööle S.H.I.E.L.Dis ja hiljem sai temast Avengersite liige. Ja kui S.H.I.E.L.D kokku kukkus Winter Soldieri filmis, jätkab Natasha võitlust Avengersitega kuniks Civil Waris jääb ta Tony poolele ja kirjutab alla Sokovia Accordsile aga laseb Steve Rogersil ja Bucky Barnesil põgeneda, seega satub ka ise tagaotsitavate nimekirja ja peab ennast peitma, mis edasi saab, näeme Black Widowi filmis.

Natasha: I used have nothing, then i got this job, this family and even tho they're gone, i still try to be better

Tony: Did she had family?
Steve: Yeah, us

Loki: You lie and kill in service of liars and killers

Natasha: Just like Budapest all over again
Clint: You and I remember Budapest very differently

Natasha: I don't know
Steve: Stop lying
Natasha: I only pretend I know everything, Rogers

Natasha: You won't put me in jail, you won't put any of us in jail.. because you know why? You need us

Natasha: We're still friends right?
Clint: Depends how hard you hit me

Natasha: I said I'll help you to find then, not catch them, there's the difference

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