
Marvel Studios: Legends: The Ravagers [s1 ep12] (2021)

Luu räägib Ravagersidest, kes on grupp tulnukaid ja vargaid. nende kapteniks on Yondu, kes murrab nende grupi koodi kui palgatakse Ego poolt lapsi talle tooma üle galaktika. Yondu saab aga teada, et Ego tapab need lapsed ja otsustab et ei vii seda viimast leidu talle ja selleks on inimene Peter Quill, kelle Yondu kasvatab üles kui oma lapse.

Yondu ja tema meeskond Ravager aitavad Quilli ja Guardian of the Galaxy tegelasi saamaks jagu Ronan The Accuserist ja hiljem ohverdab Yondu oma elu, et päästa Quill ja Guardian of Galaxy liikmed Ego käest. 

Yondu: We are ravagers, we don't do that to each other. We have code
Quill: And the code is: Steal from everybody

Yondu: Remember boy, at the end of this, I'll get the stone, gross me and we kill you all

Quill: Who the hell are you?
Ego: I'm your father

Quill: This whole time you thought Yondu is my actual blood relative?
Drax: You look exactly alike
Rocket: Yondu is blue

Quill: You are like Mary Poppins
Yondu: Is he cool?
Quill: Yeah, he is cool

Groot: I am groot
Yondu: What's that?
Rocket: He said: Welcome to the freaking guardians of the galaxy, only he didn't use freaking

Yondu: He might have been your father but he wasn't your daddy

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