Ha Ni vigastab jalga ja Seung Jo jätab uue mängu ära ja viib
tüdruku koju. Seung Jo ja Hae Ra lähevad kinno. Sinna tulevad ka Sunbae ja Ha Ni. Nad ei lase Hae Ral pead Seung Jo õlale panna ja Ha Nil saab kõrini ega
taha enam Seung Jo järgi hiilida. Ta jookseb ühele mehele otsa ning rikub ta
ülikonna. Suure vaidluse peale tulevad ka Seung Jo ja Hae Ra kohale. Sõbrad
loevad kolmeni ja Seung Jo haarab Ha Ni käest ning Sunbae Hae Ra käest ning
jooksevad erinevatesse suundadesse...
Bong Joon Gu: Father, we eat and breathe together both up
and downstairs. If it's not being together the what is it?
Min Ah: Do you think you won't run into him when you go to the same school?
Seung Jo: Thank you Oh Ha Ni. Thanks to you, ever since the day I was born this is the first time I ever lost.
Seung Jo: Really?
Eun Jo: Hyung, you have the cleaning, diswashing and cooking
Seung Jo: What? I'm doing it all?
Eun Jo: Should a young kid like me have to do it?
Seung Jo: When did you ever know what makes sense or not?
Seung Jo: Keep your eyes on balls.
Ha Ni: No matter how hard I try I keep closing my eyes, so I can't see, what can I do?
Hae Ra: So I'm going to tell Seung Jo this time. It should be
okey, right?
Ha Ni: Why are you asking me?
Hae Ra: I'm not sure. I keep feeling like I'm taking candy
from a baby.
10/9 (Nii armas, et tegelikult Seung Jo siiski hoolib tüdrukust, isegi kui too ainult jama kokku suudab keerata. See tennisemäng ja õppimine oli hea :) Ning nii armas, et kutt aitas Ha Ni koju, kui too jalga vigastas.)
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