Kontoris näeb Zhan Chengi Vanessat, kes on mehest sissevõetud aga mees on naise vastu karm, kuna teab et muidu saaks naine kohe aru et ta on endiselt pime. Boyan, kes on Vanessa assistent ja ühtlasi Yuxi kutt, näeb Yuxit koos Zhan Xhengiga ja ei mõista miks on vaja tugeval ja tervel mehele 24 tunnist hooldajat. Yuxi ei saa mehele tõtt rääkida.
Yuxi läheb oma sõbranna Xiao Lingiga shoppama ja William annab Yuxile allahindlust et sõbranna saaks endale mantli osta. Õhtul lähevad Zhan Cheng ja Yuxi mehe emale sünnipäevaks kinki ostma ja naine pakub et nad võiks kinkida salli. Ta leiab roosa salli ja samasuguse punase ja teatab et tema emale meeldib punane aga ta ei suuda emale sellst kallist salli osta.Järgmne päev saabub sall ja seal on nii roosa kui ka punane ja Zhan Cheng teatab et punane on tüdrukule kui too tahab.
Zhan Chengi kasuisa, keda ta onuks nimetab, tuleb mehele meelde tuletama et too ikka oma ema sünnipäevaks restorani tuleks. Ja meenutab et poiss lubas emale kunagi esimese tantsu kui ema tanstima õpib. Seda kuuleb Yuxi ning käib terve päev mehele pinda et too talle tangot õpetaks.Zhang Cheng keeldub, kuid siis tunnistab et kuidas peaks ta pimedana tantsida suutma. Kui nad hakkavad harjutama läbi kivide ja kändude ning viimane pööre jääb alati pahasti ning Yuxi kukub igakord. Zhan Cheng annab alla.
Boyan uurib Yuxilt mis Zhan Chengil viga on et too hooldajat vajab aga vastavalt lepingule ei saa Yuxi midagi öelda. Yuxi kingib salli emale ning õpetab talle tangot.Tuleb Zhan Chengi ema sünnipäev ning seekord saabub ka poeg. Kõik annavad kingi üle ja Zhan Cheng viib ema tantsima. Tal on Yuxi telefoni otsas handsfreega kes juhendab kus kohas mees toas on ja kus ema on ning tants õnnestub suurepäraselt. Ema on õnnest nutmas ning isa ja Fei Fei aploteerivad. Siis saabub koogiga Yuxi ning ema ja isa on shokis kui näevad Yuxi, kes näeb täpselt samasugune välja kui Luohan.
Willaim: Zhan Cheng, I never thought that Yuxi could look decent wearing these clothesYuxi: Decent? I feel like I'm walking on the second floor. I'm afraid that I'll be the first person to fall dead from wearing high heels
William: Wasn't that too harsh?
Zhan Cheng: She's smart. If I didn't make her angry and walk out, then she'll notice with the three minutes that I can't see
Zhan Cheng: This pen, is a limited edition version.
Yuxi: My boss didn't say I could take a break. There's no way I can leave without permission. Yeah, people like me are hardworking. What's the problem boss?Zhan Cheng: You can go do what you want
Yuxi: Really? I can take a break? Oh my god. How can there be a boss who cares so much for his employees?
Xiao Ling: Hey, your company's so generous. Did the boss fall in love with you?
Yuxi: How is that possible? He can't even see me
Zhan Cheng: Even when I buy, there's no discount. What do you think?
Yuxi: People say that one who is too courteous is sneaky.
Yuxi: For the one you love, you just need this bit of hard work.
Zhan Cheng: Look at me right now. Do I look like I can dance?Yuxi: Why can't you?
Zhan Cheng: Okay. Right now, close your eyes and turn 3 times. Then tell me if it's okay.
Yuxi: Okay. I'll close my eyes. Now I turn. 1, 2, 3..ahhh..
Zhan Cheng: You see. I told you to close your eyes and turn 3 times. You almost fell. My eyes cannot see so how can I teach you to dance?
Uncle: You don't understand your own sons personality? Once he makes a decision, no one can change it.
Zhen mom: He's great in every aspect. It's just that he is a bit stubborn.
Yuxi: Boss, you know what, on our way to the office just then, when those female staff members saw you, some turned their head, some took off their jackets, one of them even pulled her skirt up a few good inches. You should have seen those long and sexy legs. What a pity you couldn't see it.
Yuxi: Boss, Didn't you promise me that you will teach me to tango? I chose a song that sounds pretty nice. The only thing left is this teacher. Lets startZhan Cheng: I don't remember that I promised you
Yyuxi: No? No? NO?
10/9 (god they are so cute. ja see yuxi on lihtsalt nii naljakasja lahe.. ja zhan cheng on nii ilus)

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