Holy Land [s1 ep3] (2012) - 홀리랜드

Kang Yoo kuuleb Tae Sikilt, et peksu taga võisid olla Seok
Gu ja Dae Han ning valmistub kakluseks. Tae Sik läheb Seok Gu ja Dae Hani
juurde ning kustub Seok Gu välja kaklema. Samal ajal kakleb teistega ka Kang
Yoo, et saada teada kus on nende ülemus.
Kang Yoo kuuleb et Tae Sik läks Seok Gu juurde, kuid sai
mehelt pähe. Ta ootab et saaks kohtuda Tae Sikiga ning palub vabandust, et teda
Gwang Su läbipeksmises süüdistas.

Kang Yoo lahkub ning hakkab niisama tänaval lampi
kaklema, sest ei suuda maha rahuneda ega
leia muud teed kui ainult kakelda, sest selles on ta pagana hea.
Tae Sik: This guy is strange. Normally it's not there. But
he gets this look in his eyes only when he's
Gwang Su: For someone that kicks so quickly, how can you
walk so slowly?
Kang Yoo: There's a smell about him.
Tae Sik: Smell? He doesn't wash?
Kang Yoo: Not that smell.
Tae Sik: The moment you fall, you're finished.
Kang Yoo: There's no way I’ll forgive you, today you're dead.
Sang Ho: Using the elbow to attack has the same effect on
thin skin as if using a knife.
Seok Gu: You're not handicapped? Fine, I’ll make you
Kang Yoo: Today is your judgment day. You’ll never get up
again. I have yo defeat you. I haven’t even paid you back for Tae Sik's beating
Sang Ho: He can kick as well. He really is amazing
Kang Yoo: Get up. This isn't over yet.
Seok Gu: It's over. You win. It's over.
10/8 (Seal paistab koguaeg nii külm olevat õues, auru tuleb
koguaeg. samas mulle meeldis, et Kang Yoo võitis Seok Gu... õnneks palju verd
selles ei olnud.. :) Aga loodetavasti
suudab ta oma viha ikka kontrolli alla
saada, muidu asi täitsa jama..)
Boys over flowers [s1 ep3] (2009) - 꽃보다 남자/꽃보다男子

Seo Hyun lohutab Ji Hoo'd ning järsku poiss suudleb teda,
seda näeb uksevahel Jan Di. Rüdruk ei pane tähele, et Jun Pyo on ta selja taga.
Poiss viib tüdruku baari ning korra üksi jäädes suudab Jan Di ennast
korralikult täis juua ning oksendab Jun Pyo täis.
Hommikul ärkab ta poisi majas ning poiss tuletab meelde
millega tüdruk hakkama sai. Järku tuleb koju poisi ema. Jun Pyo kustub sõbrad
kohale ning kui ema tuppa astub, on Jan Di kauniks tehtud ja poistel vale
valmis. Jan Di peab osalema oksjonil, kus müüakse kalleid ujumisprille, mis
talle tohutult meeldivad. Ühel hetkel Yoo Bin, Yi Jung ja Ji Hoo viivad Jan Di
lava taha ning järsku lükkavad ta lavale, kus ta peab kleiti ja kinge
demostreerima. Jun Pyo ema hakkab tüdruku taust huvi pakkuma, sest näeb kuidas
poeg tüdrukut vaatab.

Järgmisel päeval on Seo Hyun koolis ja räägib Jan Diga Ji
Hoost ning modell palub Jan Di, et too paneks Ji Hoo samamoodi naerma nagu
poiss naerab kui temaga on. Kui modell lahkub, tuleb Ji Hoo ja on vihane, et Jan
Di julges Seo Hyuni panna tundma, et tüdruk on süüdi et poiss selline on ja et ei
tohiks lahkuda, kui ta vähegi Ji Hoost hoolib.
Mom: Geum Jan Di, aren’t you going to school?
Jan Di: I’m not going
Mom: Do you want to get beat and then go, or just go?
Jan Di: I’ll get beat and not go.
Jun Pyo: If he likes her he should just grab her, what's so
hard about that.
Ji Hoo: Don’t lie
Seo Hyun: If it were a lie, then I wouldn't be that bothered
when you look at someone else.
Jan Di: But how com there aren't any customers?
Jun Pyo: I got rid of them
Jan Di: Even by the smell of it, this is a really expensive
Jun Pyo: Totally a dog's nose
Jun Pyo: Probably because I brought you here
Jan Di: I’m not mood to hear your brag about your clothes
Jun Pyo: It’s what I wore yesterday
Jan Di: What does what you wore yesterday have anything to
do with me?

Jun Pyo: I’m in my room with the patch of grass but I can't
get her out.
Holy Land [s1 ep2] (2012) - 홀리랜드

Peale seda tõuseb ta püsti ning lööb Tae Siki pikali. Tae Sikiga koos olijad arvavad et tüübiga on kõik ja tahavad Kang Yoole kallale minna, kuid Tae Sik tõuseb ja tahab edasi kakelda, nii mõnigi uus kaklemistehnika tuleb mängu. Lõpuks õnnestub kuidagi Kang Yool vastane pikali saada nii, et nad mõlemad kukuvad maha, kuid Kang Yoo tõuseb esimesena püsti.

Selgub et Gwang Su kutsus politsei kohale. Järgmine päev lähevad Sang Mi, Mi Gyeong, Gwang Su ja Kang Yoo kinno, kus Kang Yoo kohtub tolle suure mehega, kellega ta kakles. Too on palju sõbralikum kui tol õhtul. Gwang Su korraldab et Sang Mi ja Kang Yoo jääks kahekesi aga poiss ei julge endiselt sõnagi lausuda.

Kang Yoo: As always I leave before my father returns home.

Kang Yoo: But I’m scared., scared to death about the kinds of things that could happen.
Sang Ho: Not a bad script for a movie but how do you propose I did it?
Sang Ho: But why you want to remain on the streets?
Kang Yoo: because i want to feel it
Sang Ho:feel what?
Kang Yoo: to feel like i am someone wiht a heartbeat
O Min Gi: What does The Hunter want? What is Jeon Sang Ho thinking?

Gwang Su: What are you laughing about? Did you find money on the street or something?
Gwang Su: Where did you learn it?
Kang Yoo: Learnt what?
Gwang Su: Boxing
Kang Yoo: From book
Gwang Su: Are you joking? If everyone could learn just by reading a book, then what's the gym for?
Gwang Su: look, if you are a failure, then im trash's trash and my house is a recycling stand
Kang Yoo: Will you let me leave, after we're done fighting?
Sang Ho: The opening fighting stance tells you what tactics will be used.
Sang Ho: In that moment, the attacker became the victim.
Sang Ho: I showed him only once and he's already using it. How much potential he have?
Sang Ho: There is something in this kid, the more he gets hit, the more he wants to confirm his abilities.
Gwang Su: Sorry, I should've called police earlier.
Kang Yoo: I was wondering how come the police showed up.
Gwang Su: You think this is a movie where the heroes always appear with perfect timing?

Big man: You're stronger than you think you are. But you're still weaker than me..
Sang Mi: Have you something to say?
Kang Yoo: Mhmm
Sang Mi: Aren’t you going to say it?
Kang Yoo: Of course
Sang Mi: Are you mute?
Kang Yoo: No
Sang Mi: Say something else then, other than 'mmm', 'no', i dont', ´'but', 'then'.

Kang Yoo: I know
Gwang Su: Lets run first, it just too many of them
10/8 (Miks nad kukkumist eriti aegluubis näitavad? Samas mulle meeldib kuidas Sang Ho tunneb neid kaklustehnikaid ja seletab mida keegi ja miks tegi. Kang Yoo on niii lahe :) ja ta võiks veidi julgem Sang Miga olla..)
Boys over flowers [s1 ep2] (2009) - 꽃보다 남자/꽃보다男子

Nad lähevad Jun Pyo juurde ja too saab vihaseks kuuldes mis toimus ja ei saa aru miks Ji Hoo plikat aitas. Õhtul ringi sõites märkab Jan Di Ji Hoo seismas kauni modelli pildi ees ja katsub seda. Selle asemel, et paberiga käed poisil puhtaks teha, teeb tüdruk modelli näo, kelleks on kuulus Suh Hyun, puhtaks. Samal ajal laseb Jun Pyo lahti jutu et koolis on teise aasta õpilane rase ja see käib Jan Di kohta. Koolis kirjutatakse tema kohta igast asju ja tema asjad rikutakse ära. Tüdrukul saab kõrini ja ta laheb Jun Pyo juurde ja ütleb mida asjast arvab.

Järgmisel päeval tagastab Jan Di tossud, kuid Ji Joo pole seal ruumis ning ta jookseb kokku Yoo Bini ja Yi Jungiga, kes pakuvad talle teed. Tüdruk näeb taaskord Suh Hyun reklaami ja selgub et too modell ongi F4 poistele tuttav, eriti aga Ji Hoole.

Kui nad alla lähevad, jäävad kõigil suud lahti ning Suh Hyun palub Ji Hool tüdruk tantsima viia.

Ji Hoo: Yes, that and they sell the pancake mix. Why are you guys still here?
Boy: That Jun Pyo Sunbae..
Ji Hoo: Non of your business. Baking powder...now I know. Seems like I have to try again.
Jon pPyo: That girl who doesn't know her limits
Ji Hoo: What prank have you pulled this time?
Jon Pyo: Why, so you can save her again?

Jan Di: Why am I here now?
Man: I'm not sure about that too, miss
Jan Di: Has your brain been addled by too much greasy food?
Jan Di: Why is the toilet even bigger than my house?

Ji Hoo: Everytime I see you, you're in a dramatic situation
Yi Jung: Isn't this Gu Jun Pyo's mortal enemy, wonder woman?
Jun Pyo: Don't cry. It don't suit you
Jan Di: Do I have to get your permission to cry now?

Ka Wol: Are all the students going?
Jan Di: No, I'm not
Suh Hyun: It's not gentlemanly to ignore such a beautiful lady.
10/7 (Tüüpiline, arvatakse, et kui on raha siis saad kõike. )
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