Kang Hwi leiab tüdruku joonistuse Tae Iks't ning mõtleb kus tüdruk olla võiks. Samal ajal tahab Tae Ik, et nii tüdruk kui manager lahkuks aga kumbki ei taha minna enne kui poiss kaasa läheb. Hommikul sõidab Tae Ik minema ning Man Ok põrutab rattaga järgi. Nad sõidavad laevaga ning poisi suureks ehmatuseks on ka tüdruk laevas ning nad veedavad päeva koos, sest Man Ok keeldub lahkumast.

Kang Hwi: There is no need to find out
Lee Jun: You came later that I expected
Lee Jun: Jang Man Ok... do you have some other feelings for her?
Kang Hwi: I'm through talking
Man Ok: Lee Tae Ik, if you don’t go, I won’t either
Tae Ik: If you don’t get off and keep riding it, I will drop you off in the middle of the road.
Man Ok: How much is it? When we get back to Korea I will pay you double the amount. So how much is it?
Tae Ik: 11 000 won (11 dollarit). You must pay interest as well
Man Ok: 11000 won? This shell? Then you should have said something ! The beach is filled with seashells! Why did you pay money and buy that?
Tae Ik: I wonder who threatened me that if I didn’t buy it, she would cry!

Tae Ik: Then do it
Man Ok: From now, I am going to call your name and cry my eyes out
man: I see you are the tourists?
Tae Ik: Yes
Man Ok: Yes
man: Have you come on your honeymoon?
Man Ok: Yes, yes
Tae Ik: Are you answering because you understand what he is saying?

Aunt: Why are you mean to pretty Man Ok?
Kang Hwi: Why does everything look good on me?
10/7 (Kang Hwist on kahju, et tal selline jama on ja nagu ikka..siis on kuskil keegi, kes oskab hästi manipuleerida..)
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