
Rosewood: Fashionistas and Fasciitis [s1 ep9] (2015)

Tuntust koguv disanier kutsub enda moeetendusele appi Rose ja Villa, kuna saab tapmisähvardusi ja hiljem selgub et tal on mingi uus haigus, mida ta tahab et Rose uuriks. Siis selgub et disanier on Rose vana kooliõde Gigi, ning Rose annab märkmed uurida Villale, samal ajal tuleb appi ka Rose sõber Mike, kes on samuti arst ja see äratab Villas tähelepanu, mis ei jää Rosele nägemata.

Samal ajal lähevad TMI ja Pippy riidu kuna TMI pole valmis oma maja müüma, millest Pippy aru ei saa ning kui ta koju läheb, leiab eest et emal on uus kaaslane. See ajab Pippy segadusse ning ta räägib sellest ka Rosele ning selgub et TMI teadis kuna tema aitas Donnal kohtingusaidile konto teha. Rose püüab seedida fakti et Villale meeldib Mike.

Samal ajal sureb veel üks, kes on Gigi kolleeg ja selgub peagi et tapja ongi seesama naine kes suri, kuna tal tekkisid haigusest samad sümptomid ja ta ei saanud enne aru kui oli hilja. Rose aitab Gigi elu päästa. TMI helistab oma perele et teada anda et abiellub ja müüb oma kodu, et olla Pippyga, kes lepib TMIga ära mõistes millise ohvi naine tegelikult toob kui on temaga, kuna pole oma perega juba 2 aastat rääkinud.

Rose veenab ema, et too võib kohtingutel käia ja et tema ja Pippy toeatavad teda igati ning Villa läheb Mikega kohtingule.

Villa: I don't date
Rosewood: If you look like that in Miami, you difenately date

Rosewood: Villa, I need you to put your sarcasm on ice and don't arrest anyone

Gigi: That dress is fantastic, hey I am sorry for ruining your date
Rosewood: Villa doesn't date
Gigi: If you look like that in Miami, you date
Rosewood: That's what I said

Villa: Have you any idea who might send you these letters?
Gigi: In this business I feel I make enemy before my first cup of coffee

Rosewood: You guys have changed the numbers?
Villa: With the doctor working on the case, yes
Rosewood: Funny, cause last time I checked I was the doctor working on the case

Donna: Dough is just a new friend, so...
Pippy: Dough? Who is Dough? Mom, exactly how many new friends do you have?

Donna: Uhh. Did I detect the tone?
Rosewood: No, no there is no tone
Donna: I heard that tone, I invented the tone

Donna: How do you feel about that?
Rosewood: How do I feel, I feel fine and there's no tone
Donna: One more time, how do you feel about that?
Rosewood: Okay, I am an adult, I need you to stay out of my personal business, just like I stay out of your personal business. You have personal business?
Donna: Me?
Rosewood: What is it?

Rosewood: Where was this happened?
Pippy: At the house
Rosewood: At the house?
Pippy: The one where we grew up in

Pippy: And he is young too
TMI: He is not that young, just has a baby face
Poppy: And how'd you know that, you weren't there
TMI: I may or may not helped your mom to set up tinder account

Pippy: You put mom in a hook up site?
Rosewood: Oh hold up, compaining the words mom and hook up in the same sentence gotta stop

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