See tähendab et Villa ja Rosewood peavad koos töötama, lepivad kokku et enne asjast ei räägi kui nad on juhtumi lahendanud. Samal ajal hakkab asja uurima teine meeskond ja enne kui Rosewood saab täpselt naist uurida, viiakse laip ära. Aga nad saavad teada, et naine tapeti 38 kaliibrilisega, mitte 45ga nagu Hornstockil ning mees saab vahi alt vabaks.
Küll aga eraldi aga samal ajal jõuavad Rosewood ja Villa mõrvarini ning püüavad ta kinni. Rosewood peab Hornstockile südantlõhesatava motivatsioonikõne ning räägib ka Villaga natukene asjad selgemaks.
Siis aga on Rosewoodil perekondlik õhtusöök, kus isa ja ema teatavad et nad lahutavad.
Hornstock: Wait, what the hell is going on? You already said you're sorry more times less in two minutes than you have last 2 monthsVilla: You don't know him like I do
Hornstock: What do you revealing to me? That you guys did the thing with a thing?
Villa: The what?
Donna: I liked her
Pippy: I know right
Rosewood: Okay ladies I'm still here, I can hear everything you say
Rosewood: Tell her that the thing we talked about she was right
Hornstock: He says you were right about the thing about the thing
Villa: Okay, just tell him that...
Hornstock: Do I look like secretary?
Villa: You read lips too?
Rosewood: These babies aren't last forever so...
Rosewood: Are you sure this printed right?
TMI: I bet in 9425 plus free shipping that it did
Rosewood: Don't tell me this is how much this sink costs?
TMI: Okay, then I won't tell you how much this thing costs
Pippy: My baby doesn't lie
TMI: It's true, sometimes is my curse but now it's my gift to you
Rosewood: Kat was Villas psychologist
Pippy: Damn bro, you need to warn us before you drop a bomb like this
Rosewood: Quote: Villa needs some space right now, Pippy said that, I agree
Villa: You spoke your sister about my situation?
Villa: This is another way to talk about Kat thing?
Rosewood: No were are not talking about it before the case is over.. or you wanna talk it right now?
Villa: No.
Villa: You mean once you realized how much more money you can make on your own?
Rosewood: Tomato, tomeito
Rosewood: Can you give a room place? I don't want to be rude but that whole negative energy beteewn us is distracting
Villa: Really?
Rosewood: See the look on your face, also distracting
Villa: You have 10 minutes
Rosewood: Villa, if I give you a boost, you think you can reach up there?
Villa: You boosting me again?
Rosewood: You can try boost me
Villa: Why anyone have to be boosted?
Rosewood: Every murder cases need boosters
Villa: I have murder to solve
Rosewood: We have murder to solve
Hornstock: Can someone give me freaking ride?
Villa: What the heck are you doing here?
Rosewood: Dang.. good to see you too. Did you miss me? I missed you
Rosewood: So you did miss me?
Villa: I have a gun, your only weapon is your mouth, what good is that going to do us?
Villa: What the heck are you doing?
Rosewood: I get my game face on
Rosewood: Cap, really, that's my car? Not cool, not cool
Hornstock: I don't know how you do this, everyone you interact loves you, drives me nuts
Rosewood: And that's from man who had four wives and seven beautiful kids

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