
Rosewood: Necrosis and New Beginnings [s1 ep5] (2015)

Algab sellega, et Villa näeb romantilist und Rosewoodist ja samal ajal veedab Rosewood terve nädalavahetuse oma pruudi Katiga, kui ootamatult tuleb külla mehe ema, kes teadis täpselt et naine on seal aga kuna poeg naist perele ei näita, siis tuli ema ise kohale. Talle hakkab Kat koheselt meeldima. 

Politseis teeb lärmi üks mees, kelle sõber on tapetud. Asja uurivad Rosewood ja Villa. Asja teeb hullemaks, et Villa näeb romantilist und seoses Rosewoodiga ja arutab seda oma terapisti Katiga, kes juhuslikult on just seesama naine, kes on Rosewoodi pruut. Kat paneb 2+2 kokku ja jätab Rosewoodi maha, kes ei saa mitte milleski aru aga lahendab Villaga mõrva. 

Samal ajal on TMI'l ka raskusi oma perega, kuna nemad ei aksepteeri et tütrele meeldivad naised ning Donna teeb Rosewoodi kontoris ümbermuudatusi ja viskab vana mööblit välja, mis ise enesest ajab Pippy närvi.

Aga kui mõrvar, gängiliige, tabatakse, läheb Rosewood otse Kati juurde, et ära leppida ning naine ei suuda ei öelda, siis aga astub sisse Villa, kes saab aru et rääkis oma unest mehe pruudile, samal ajal ei saa Rosewood mitte midagi aru, aga Villa lahkub ning Kat käsib mehel naisele järele minna ja ütleb et nende vahel pole midagi.

Rosewood: Mom, cause I love you, I'm gonna pretend this is not going to happen right now, see you tomorrow
Donna: I'm here, see me now

Donna: So, now when this all nonsense is over, you can say Kathrine stop hiding in bedroom

Villa: What do you want Rosie?
Rosewood: Nothing, I'm actually here for finace businees, getting a smile from you is going to be bonus

TMI: Your brother is ready for us
Pippy: He aint ready for me

Pippy: Helping out and moving in are two totally different things. What are she's going to do other than driving us crazy?

Rosewood: How does is feel when everybody is scared when you are close?
Villa: It feels pretty good actually
Rosewood: Keep that positivity

Kat: Did something happened to you that makes you feel you'll loosing side of your husband?
Villa: You are good at your job
Kat: Yes I am

Pippy: What? Why are you yelling?
Rosewood: I don't know, maybe cause you break you neck to see what's going on up there, instead doing what I am paying to you to do

Kat: I think we need to slow us down
Rosewood: How slow?
Kat: Pretty slow

Rosewood: Kat ended things
Donna: That doesn't make any sense, the woman I met 36 hours ago was head over heels into you

Donna: So you protect her against yourself?
Rosewood: No, I'm just trying to be that gentleman you raised me to be

Villa: What are you doing up here?
Rosewood: What are you doing up here? I'm trying to find some evidence, what you?

Villa: Damn, why they always run?

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