
Rosewood: Pilot [s1 ep1] (2015)

Lugu räägib siis edukast patoloogist Beaumont Rosewoodist, kes hakkab uurima ühe noore naise surma, kes oli mehe ema Donna kunagine õpilane. Ema ei usu et naine oleks niisama õnnestusse sattunud ja seeläbi satub Rosewood kokku uue uurija Annalise Villaga.

Villa kolis tagasi kodulinna ning ei taha algselt koostööd teha Rosewoodiga, kuid peab peagi tunistama, et mees teab mida teeb ning vaatamata oma ninatarkliku olekuga, aitab ta juhtumit lahendada.

Samuti saame teada, et rosewoodil on raske südamehaigus, mis võib viia selleni et ükskõik mis hetkel võib mees surra, ka on mehel abiks õde Pippy ja tolle tüdruksõber TMI.

Selgub et noor naine oli ühel jahil, ning Villa smuugeldab end jahile peole, kuhu tuleb ka Rose, kuigi anine aandis talle meelega vale info, kuid koos suudavad nad mõrvari tabada. Ja Rose mõistab et kuigi Villa mainis abikaasat, siis on tegelikult naise abikaasa surnud, suri lihtsalt jalapealt ning seetõttu koliski naine tagasi koju.

Pippy: Don't make any drama before my wedding
TMI: Our wedding, two people, union

Donna: Don't tell me you just send me straight to voicemail for 4th time in last hour.

Donna: I don't care if you are in middle of world war three, obliviously your mother needs to talk to you
Pippy: Ohoh.. what did you do now, bro?
Donna: Don't try me, I left message for you too
TMI: Good morning Mrs.Dave
Donna: Hello my sweetheart, don't distract me
Pippy: What did I do? He was the one who missed family dinner and church again
Rosewood: Thank you

Rosewood: No time no see, how's your wife and kids?
Willit: They hate me and I hate you

Rosewood: I bet he can't wait to see me
Willit: Well he is she
Rosewood: Oo.. even better

Rosewood: How's your workout, I am excaused

Rosewood: Why don't you dig a little deeper and call me when you are ready to get serious.. professionally of course

Rosewood: I not trying to date the new detective
Pippy: Rosie, you try to date new everything

Rosewood: Do we have prime suspect?
Villa: I have prime suspect, we don't have anything

Rosewood: And guess who know someone who can help us out in big way
Villa: You
Rose: Me
Pippy: Him

Joo Joo: You trying to be cute asking me questions like this? I got a wife and kids and the chick on the side to think about

Villa: It's my turn to play with Joo Joo
Joo Joo: Your turn? He barley even got his turn, Rosie, but a leash on this chick, man

Rosewood: Be honest, did you kill Joo Joo?
Villa: No, but we bonded in a certain way

Pippy: Is that my hat?
Rosewood: Was your hat, you left it in the office

Villa: Then I find another way down there but not involving you
Rosewood: How about find another way down there does involves me
Villa: Rosie no
Rosewood: Villa, yes

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